The Prophetic Network


Working with regional leaders to build pipelines of trust and validity. Connecting unique voices to a stable platform to develop consistency, credibility, and accountability for good stewardship of the prophetic.

Native Chapters

Native Chapters are established by Sons of Prophets. These chapters carry the Sons of Prophets DNA, operate by our guiding principals and other elements of our culture, and are responsible for serving the body of Christ and stewarding prophetic words for their region.

Individuals of these groups are leaders in ministry or serve in one of our five pillars (Business, Church, Media, Education, Government) and have access to our tools and resources.

Extended Chapters

Extended Chapters have access to the same cultural support and counsel, but carry their own DNA and are their own "movement". An extended chapter's affiliation with Sons of Prophets is authored by the Holy Spirit and our relationship is built on trust and authenticity.

These groups are pioneering in their spheres and rallied by, supported by, and plugged into Sons of Prophets and our culture, with access to our tools and resources.

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